Thursday, February 27, 2020

Job Satisfaction Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 16500 words

Job Satisfaction - Dissertation Example The level of employee’s job satisfaction is related to his or her expectations towards the job (Porter and Steers; 1973); this depends on many factors such as pay, promotion, or autonomy. For these expectations, each employee has certain preferential values and these preferences vary across different individuals. The above view is supported by Pearson (1991) who had found that when the level of unmet expectations becomes large, there is low job satisfaction level and the probability of negative behaviour and turn over increases. There is no doubt that Job satisfaction is an interesting subject to both, people inside and outside the organisation (Spector 1997); Spector (1997, p.2) looked at job satisfaction as a humanitarian perspective and stated that people deserve fair and respectful treatment. While Ali (1985) looked at job satisfaction as a function of individual and organisational variables, Metle (1997) believed that individual demographic characters are likely to be the sources of variations in job satisfaction. Locke also points out that job satisfaction is related to other phases of the employee’s life. It has been shown to affect positively, towards family, and towards self. Job satisfaction has also been shown to affect positively on the employee’s physical and mental health (Shell & Dunken 2006). Job satisfaction is considered as an important factor for establishing an organisation’s health; the quality of service rendered by an employee is affected by the job satisfaction level of the employees (Fitzgerald et al. 1994). ... ariables on quality services, such as infrastructures and internal relationships, should also be recognised as factors affecting job satisfaction (Crossman and Abou-Zaki 2003). 2.1 Importance of Job satisfaction: In recent times, Job satisfaction has been one of the most significant topics in organisational research. Job satisfaction has a direct relationship with the organisational climate. In view of the fact that satisfied employees create additional positive working environment for organisations, it is worthwhile to do a research on the employee job satisfaction in organisations (Shell & Duncan 2006). On the other hand Okpara (2006) explained that job dissatisfaction leads to negative job attitudes (i.e. absenteeism, poor performance and low productivity), which is supported by Al-Ajmi (2001) and according to him, these negative job attitudes results in low productivity and lesser profits. Moreover, Barrie (2001) has also reported that a lack of personal satisfaction is the reason of quitting the job. Literature show that satisfied workers tend to be self motivated and self motivated behaviours exceed the formal requirements of a job (Schnake 1991; Organ and Revan 1995). In contrast, dissatisfied workers according to Spector (1997) show an increased tendency for counterproductive behaviours (i.e. withdrawals, burnout, and workplace aggression). Moreover Everts (2001) argues that the behaviour of the employees who are not satisfied, may impact negatively on their performance, as well as those around them. According to Whinghter and Blazer (2005) knowledge, understanding and improving job satisfaction can contribute positively towards the organisational goals, so the study of job satisfaction is important because of the following reasons: 1- Reduced Employee

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pathway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pathway - Essay Example Moreover, design thinking can be applied to several global issues like healthcare issues. I have completed the courses and learned about pathway themes in classes. Design thinking is used as a guide in designing of products and process in order to satisfy the customers. Innovation in products and services is also emphasized by design thinking. It is an analytical thinking process that will help me to achieve goals. My major is business management, and the courses that I took for my pathway are MGMT 6 (Business Ethic), MGMT 80 (International Business), and OMIS 17 (Business Computing). Design thinking will help me to analyze several issues and facts in international business practices. Moreover, the concepts of design thinking can be used to innovatively conduct a synthesis to formulate solutions to different issues. The concepts of design thinking will help me to analyze business ethics in the business practices of several global and domestic firms to find solutions to problems. Answ er 2 Analysis: Disciplinary Perspectives on an Issue Business practices of breastfeeding products are a global issue that can be examined through several approaches that are identified in MGMT 80 and MGMT 6. Nestle is one of the leading food product companies in global market. The company was engaged in some unethical business practices. The marketing strategy that Nestle implemented was unethical. These unethical marketing strategies have destabilized the potentiality of breast feeding products in several developed and developing countries. These in adequate strategies have affected the brand image and business performance of Nestle badly in the global market. The same kind of Issue can be looked at through the lens of International Business Practice. My MGMT 80 class studied the business practices of global firms. I have realized from the class that an organization that is doing international business practices must take into account the different customer standards. On the other hand, they must also be able to maximize their profit. For an example, Wal-Mart the leading retail chain in the global market had to face several problems regarding the selling of furniture in America. They had violated the environmental law by using the natural resources in an unethical way. Therefore, they had to stop the selling of wooden furniture. In order to regain their reputation they started several social activities. For an example, Wal-Mart delivered 100 truckloads of free goods, 20 million US Dollar in cash and food for 100,000 meals in order to help the people of US who were affected by devastating Hurricane Katrina. The social activities helped the company to once again maximize their profit. Applying the concepts of design thinking in Accounting and information systems, I can effectively appraise the business practices of global firms. Accounting and information systems have helped me to gather a concrete knowledge and understanding of business ethics issues in busine ss practices. The understanding of the issues and required analytical skills will help me to understand the business environment factors. These will help me in the near future when I will start my career in this competitive global market. Answer 3 Reflection: Looking Back and Looking Forward Learning about this pathway theme helps me to