Thursday, January 23, 2020

Power of the Medical Monks Essay -- Sharp Pain, Machine Gun

Sharp pain. You look down and see a spreading patch of red. You know the end is near as you drop to the ground. Your rifle landing next to you. BANG! The men around you fire and advanced. This land has been at war with itself for a year. In the distance you see the gray uniforms of the Confederates. Next its all black. You awaken to see a lull in the fighting as two men pick you up on a litter and carry you to the waiting Carriage. While Napoleon’s personal surgeon Dominique-Jean Larrey, invented the â€Å"flying ambulance† the worlds first modern version of a ambulance service.(5) True battlefield medicine, and in correlation to this true EMS, did not begin until Dr. Letterman established the three tier battlefield medical system(1). This comprised of an aid station, the patient would then be transferred to a field hospital, and finally a regular hospital. This system revolutionary at the time of design(civil war) increased survival rates, and started to promptly provide medical care. (3) At the beginning and before the civil war there was little in the way of Sanitary practices. There was also little in the way of an actual Medical corp. The surgeon general at the time, Thomas Lawson no M.D., thought that sanitary practices were â€Å"unnecessary† at that his methods were â€Å"adequate and effective†. Lawson attained this position through seniority before being impeached through public opinion. Following his impeachment then allowed for the creation of the Sanitary Commission(early form of the Red Cross), as well as the implementation of Dr. Letterman’s three tiered approach. If it wasn’t for innovations like these our entire medical practice would be years behind what it is.(1) Rat-a-tat-tat, Rat-a-tat-tat. The sharp crack of machine ... ...imited than that of non-military M.D‘s or D.O.’s. Most military doctors are trained in multiple disciplines. The main reason for this is due to the instability of there responsibilities. A M.D. in the military can be treating mal-nourishment one minute, and rapid hemorrhaging the next. Combat Medics skill set hasn’t changed much; however, now there trained in some psychology. Military Medicine has a long and noble history filled with twists, and turns. Today practicing medicine in the military has allowed us to bring more men and woman home from combat; A standard that, while sadly exists, is welcome. Military health professionals prove a vital and necessary service, one that goes unsung. Today military medical professionals are warrior monks on the battlefield, they practice a peaceful art in a dangerous area. Saving the lives of everyone regardless of creed.

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